Tec Basic


Kalender för Tec Basic


Tec Basic

If you have an interest in wreck and cave diving or want to take your diving skills to a whole new level, this course is a must! There is no doubt that diving with a twin set is becoming more and more popular. The reasons for this are several, a twin set increases your available gas supply and can increase your safety compared to a single cylinder.

You will undergo at least 2 confined dives and 2 open water dives. In the water, you will fully learn how to master your buoyancy control and trim. You will learn how to quickly and efficiently handle leaking valves and manifolds, share air, deploy an SMB in the right way with perfect balance and how to dive with a decogas cylinder. You will practice team diving and practice correct descents with a bubble check and an s-drill.

In the theory sessions, we will among other things discuss the reasons for diving with a twin set, equipment configuration, diving planning and decompression theory.

Our Tec instructors are active wrecks and cave divers with very comprhensive experience of advanced diving.

PADI Tec Basic gives you a very stable and valuable platform for further training in advanced diving, for example the PADI course Tec 40 and beyond. You will be both theoretically and practically well prepared to move on.

The course normally runs for 3 evenings and a saturday or sunday. If you are not a certified nitrox diver, contact us at the dive center and we will schedule a nitrox course in connection with Tec Basic.

PADI Advanced Open Water
PADI Nitrox Specialty or equivalent.

Equipment requirements:
Twin set with manifold and insulation
Two regulators, one with a so-called longhose and one with manometer.
BCD and harness with sufficient buoyancy, preferably steel backplate and wing.
At least 1 cutting tool
At least one line reel and at least one with enough line to release the sack from maximum depth.
1 dive computer (or 1 time and 1 depth gauge).
Extra mask.

All equipment must be configured in a suitable way for technical diving, if you do not have your own equipment, it is possible to rent.

You will find the price for the course in our Course Catalog  

Kalender för Tec Basic
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