Dry Suit Diver


Kalender för Dry Suit Diver
Torrdräktskurs 24022024-08-19Mer infoAnmälan
Torrdräktskurs 24032024-11-04Mer infoAnmälan


PADI Drysuit Diver is the course for you that have no experience of diving in a dry suit. If you dont have documented experience of dry suit diving, you cant rent a dry suit or participate in diving activities where the water temperature requires dry suit diving. Diving in a dry suit is a new feeling of comfort underwater, but requires a little extra training to not compromise safety in the water.

PADI Junior Open Water Diver or equivalent level of training with another organization.

Course layout:
You will start your dry suit training with a thorough review in the classroom of how the dry suit works, what different types there are and how to take care of a dry suit. Then you dive with an instructor in the pool and practice how to solve various problems that can occur during dry suit diving. When you have met all the requirements in the pool, its time to dive in the pen water. You must do two dives out to be certified as a Drysuit Diver. During the open water dives, you repeat the various skills that you practised in the pool and you also get to practice descents, ascents and safety stops in a dry suits.

You complete the pool session together with one of our instructors during an evening. You will then do your open water dives on a Saturdayor Sunday (during the summer you can choose to do the outdoor dives in connection with our Thursday dives). If you want to complete the entire course at once, we can certainly solve it. Tell us in the store and we will book a weekend where you and an instructor can complete all training.

You need a complete set of diving equipment to complete the course (it can be rented). If you do not have a dry suit or intend to get your own dry suit in connection with the course, you can borrow one during the course dive.

If you meet all the goals of the course, you will become a certified Drysuit Diver. This is one of PADIs specialty certifications, if this is your fifth special course and you are also a PADI Rescue Diver, you can apply for the PADI Master Scuba Diver certificate.

You will find the price for the course in our Course Catalog.



Kalender för Dry Suit Diver
Torrdräktskurs 24022024-08-19Mer infoAnmälan
Torrdräktskurs 24032024-11-04Mer infoAnmälan
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